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  • Education is the process of learning. 2) Education helps us to develop skills. 3) An educated person is respected everywhere. 4) Education helps to attain success in life. 5) Education is the right of every citizen. 20 Lines on EducationOS Templates.points Education.

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  • 2) Education helps us to develop skillsdevelop skills.

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  • 3) An educated person is respected everywhere..

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    1) Education is the process which aids learning, acquiring knowledge and skills to one's character..

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    Jan 01: Rugby

    2) Education upgrades the thinking of society and helps to uproot social evils..

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    .6) Gurukul was the education system of ancient India when students used to learn by residing with the gurus.

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    Education is a tool which helps us to achieve success and earn respect in the society. There are primarily four stages of education, namely, preschool, primary, secondary and higher education..

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    1) Education is the process of learning. 2) Education helps us to develop skills. 3) An educated person is respected everywhere. 4) Education helps to attain success in life. 5) Education is the right of every citizen.